what do you think?

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half and we are very close we have met all of each other's friends and family and haven't had a single fight we are truly in love we talking about getting married and having kids one day and such but lately he's been very touchy about the subject of getting engaged!
About a month ago we were in a dollar store cruising around looking at things and saw something that's said mine and he said well your mine so I jokingly said not till you put a ring on it and it was an honest joke but he got pretty upset and said okay enough! When we talked about it later he said he was feeling pressured by family friends and social media to do something sooner then he wants to and so I said to him I would talk to our family and ask that it not be a topic for a while which it hasn't been I have ever made a big effort to not say anything regarding it and it's been about 4 months!
Yesterday I tagged him in a cute proposal just out of the idea that I thought the way he did it was cool and he read the first line and refused to watch it! Honestly I felt a little frustrated and mentioned to him I didn't like having to his how I was feeling about us moving on to our next step eventually and told him I wouldn't want anything In the next year or two anyways as he is in school and he said he was sorry and was again feeling pressured by everything around him.
Should I be worried he is uncertain about me I'm just not sure what to think! You input would be great! 