Am I letting him walk all over me? Is he confused? Or us it me that just doesn't get it?

So I was with my ex for 7.5 years & we recently broke up & i moved back with my parents. It's been like a month that we have been broken up but we have been hanging out like all the time still we basically still acts like we are together we: kiss, hug, go on dates still, i sleep over, he still gets me things, he's always telling me he loves me & how he would hate to see me with someone else, that he still really cares about me & would always take care of me. He still plans stuff for us to do on the weekends so it pretty much feels like we are still together because we are intimate still. But then when it comes down to us having a title he says that we can be together because he thinks about how i broke his heart one summer when i went to Washington to visit an aunt & ended our relationship due to him being disrespectful to me over the phone all the time. So he ended up getting with someone else for 2 months to try & get over me but it didn't seem to work & we ended up getting back together. So he says that that summer changed everything & that now that's always in his head so he needed time for himself to figure some stuff out because he's depressed about somethings that are going on in his life (like friends he grew close too passing away & for him getting surgery to help fix his flat foot now its worse & can't run or walk like he used to) & also wanted to fix his car. I mean i try & help him as best as i could & be there for him but i feel like by me doing all of this without us being together is just messing with my head & feelings & don't know if I'm doing the right thing by being there for him because i don't want to lose him but i also don't want to lose myself in the process..