Help Regulating Period

Is there a way to regulate your period? I am just coming off the pill and my periods have not balanced out yet. I know this may take some time but I worry because my cycles weren't regular before the pill (reason I was put on it about 8 years ago). 
My husband & I planned on TTC july of this year so I got a little lazy with taking my pill correctly. I had my period last month like clockwork then became really nauseous the beginning of my new pack (found out it was because I cut caffeine cold turkey) 4 days in. Well my husband advised I stop taking my pill in case I was pregnant since I NEVER feel sick to my stomach. A couple days later I started bleeding again.. I guess my body thought it was time to start again since I stopped my pills again. Long story short, I had another short cycle in the middle of my month. I still haven't taken any more pills (it's been close to a month now) and my period is all messed up! Any suggestions to regulate it? My husband and I are ready to start TTC now! Thanks in advance.