Need advice. lying about getting abortion

So I'm 14 weeks. When I first told my baby daddy I was pregnant he wanted me to get an abortion..THEN he was happy and excited to have a baby and told me he would be there for me NOW he's pulling out completely BEGGING me to get an abortion like no other. crying on the phone telling me it will ruin his life and he won't be able to do anything he wants to do. I told him you don't have to be in the babies life I'm not going to ask for child support. But I know 200% I don't want to get an abortion. But he says no, if he had a child he'd want to be in their life. But he doesn't want one right now he CANT have one right now. He struggles with bi polar disorder and is currently seeing psychiatrists and going to therapy but doesn't feel like he's 100% better. He told me he would kill himself on Friday if I don't get the abortion. I lied and told him I would get one but I want him out of my life. Never want to see him again or even talk. And he said that's fine 🙄. But I know I'm not getting the abortion. 
I know I shouldn't lie but I'm scared of what he would do To himself or even me. I already told him I'm against abortion I don't want to do it but that doesn't change his mind one bit. So I had to resort to lying :(. I feel horrible but part of me feels like maybe that's best. Because I CANT have an abortion I know I can't, and it's a waste of time for me to even consider it anymore because I've already done all of that. Even went for a consultation at planned parenthood just to be more open minded (for his sake) but even that didn't change my mind at all, in fact it made me more against it.
Any one got any advice? Am I wrong for lying? I really don't know what else to do.