This is a miscarriage. ⚠️

This is a miscarriage. 
This is spending years trying a for baby.
This is the joy of being pregnant and waking up to clots and blood.
This is the ER till 1am with ultrasounds and exams, and blood tests.
This is grief and loss and feeling defeated.
This is the reality of a baby that's dying not even by your choice.
This is something I've always wanted that got taken away.
This is planing on what gender you want, and picking out names.
This is shopping for clothes and buying way to many tests just because you want there to be a cute reveal.
This is the excitement of telling friends and family your expecting a little you.
And this is the part where it's all taken away, and your begging for it to stay. 
This is miscarriage the loss of a loved one.