haven't been able to orgasm lately...

I'm a 20 year old virgin but for as long as I can remember I've had an insane sex drive, like I get horny almost too easily, lmao. So obviously I'm familiar with masturbation and have been doing it for years- I know what I like and what gets me turned on and what gets me off. But lately (past month or so?) I haven't been able to orgasm. I get super turned on and I spend forever trying and I get so close and then it's suddenly gone, it's like I'm climbing the hill but I keep going back down instead over the top. It's getting worse the more time goes by without an orgasm and I'm getting really really frustrated in a lot of ways. Has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you get over it/ fix it? I'm super having sex with someone would help but I'm not in any kind of position where that would happen anytime soon..