the struggle is real

My husband and I have been TTC seriously for about 6 months, not using protection for around a year. I saw my OB about 3 weeks ago now and what she said is really tearing me apart. I want to have a baby so bad. I've had weird cycles throughout my life but no diagnosis of abnormal things I was 1 month late and had taken about 20 negative tests in hopes I finally succeeded. My dr did not even act have excited or happy for the possibility instead she says the possibility of you being pregnant is slim to none you are not healthy. The proceeded to tell me that if I continue to TTC I was being selfish and my body was not healthy enough to carry a child only reason being that I'm overweight. I know being healthier is good for me and baby but that does not mean I need to be skinny it means I need to make healthy choices which I really have worked on in the last 8+ months losing 17 pounds it just really had me leaving devastated and like I didn't deserve to carry a child. Am I being dramatic or was it harsh? And plus size mommas have you gone through anything like this?