Re-post since everyone got butthurt I put it in the wrong group.

So my mother is a recovering alcoholic who just got out of rehab a week ago. She's 17 days sober after 3 years of extremely heavy drinking. For those of you who don't know, in AA and NA you get chips for reaching milestones. I.e. 30 days, 60 etc. Well a week after I found out I told my dad and absolutely begged him not to tell my mother that I am pregnant. For her 30 days of sobriety I had planned to take her to dinner and pass her an ultrasound that said "Hi Grandma!" He knew of this plan and agreed to it. Fast forward 2 weeks and my mom calls. She starts dropping baby hints off and on. I call my dad and ask him if he told her and he tells me no. But my gut feeling tells me differently. I ask my younger brother and low and behold my dad had spilled the beans and completely ruined and took the joy out of my announcement. Mind you this isn't the first time. 2011 I was pregant with my first child. I only found out after having a massive anxiety attack and being admitted to the cardiac until of my local hospital. He takes it upon himself to take a picture of me hooked up to heart monitors and IVs galore and post it on Facebook saying "my baby is having a baby" and tagging me in it while I was asleep. He stole my joy and my moment from me then. And unfortunately 2 weeks and a couple days later I had to announce to everyone that I had lost the pregnancy. He had and still has absolutely no right to open his mouth and spread my business. I am beyond livid and I dont know what to do. Now let me clarify (since everyone on the other post stated the obvious) the ONLY reason my dad knew, was because of insurance purposes. In SC you can only get medicaid for 1 of 3 reasons. Child, disabled, pregnant. And I'm not the first 2. And he checks the mail. So......