ebf won't take bottle

Lovemylife • Mom to two awesome girls. 1 MC. Had my rainbow baby boy 6/5/2017!!!! So in love 😍
I spent yesterday fighting with my crappy pump so I could go to my postpartum appt today by myself and get a break. Yes I was so excited to go to a freaking appt to have 5 min of quiet time. But baby has colic and woke up and he just screamed n screamed fed him as much as he would take and gave him to hubby so I could shower. Husband warmed up a bottle. I get ready. N baby won't take bottle. So we ALL went to appt together. 😔 there goes my quiet time. He's only 3 weeks so it was first time he got bottle. I actually feared giving him bottle bc I have forceful letdown n thought he would like bottle flow better then mine. But nope he won't take it. So what's ur favorite bottle for ebf baby? I have to go back to work in 9 weeks so he has to take one. Sad that I bought a bunch of bottles that my older two liked n he hates them.