Should I test?

So I started keto in late April. The first week I lost 10 pounds, and my period started after not having one for 9 months. A month following, like clockwork, my period started again. Now, this past cycle, I took an ovulation test to see how accurate glow really was, and turned out that glow is spot on. Lol. My opk was positive on the day glow predicted highest fertility. Now, hubby and I are NOT ttc. But we did BD a couple times around ovulation. I'm not on birth control but we did use condoms. 
My period was supposed to start on June 23rd. And I started spotting. Which I didn't think anything of because since starting keto my period always started with 2-3 days of spotting. Well. I had 2 and a half days of spotting, and no flow following it. 
Should I take a pregnancy test? Or should I just count it as a very light, annoying PCOS period? 

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