Oh morning sickness.

Oh how I love you morning sickness... NOT! I can literally be minding my own business then bam I'm nauseous and heading towards the bathroom trying not to puke on my hardwood or carpet. I happily eat what I'm craving just to throw it up and flush it away. I feel bad because I kicked my dog and cat while rushing to the bathroom. I pushed my step son by his head rushing to the bathroom. I walked away from my husband while he was talking because I must throw up. Oh gotta love this part of the pregnancy. I will say it is all worth it. Once I get to hold my baby all this will be forgotten. I've apologized for being rude and pushing people out of my way. They think it's hilarious and make gagging noises. Yup gotta love it! I'm blessed to be with child and a family who loves me and think this is so funny.