Am I wrong for feeling like this?

I just turned 21, I'm dating (not exclusively) and I'm very independent. I'm a get up and go type of person, very spontaneous and adventurous. And lately I've been thinking and I've decided I don't want kids. Ever. Once you have a kid your life is no longer just yours and I don't know how I feel about that. I wanna be able to do whatever I want and when you have kids you don't have nearly as much freedom as before. I look at the way my sister struggles with her kids and I don't want that to be me. She can't go out whenever she likes, have company over whenever she likes, and spend money on whatever she likes the way she used to and the way I can now. Another thing is I don't even like kids. I feel bad for saying it but I just can't be around them for too long. I've pretended to like them for so long because I thought not liking them would make me seem like a bad person. They're cute and all but I can't with them. The more I think about it the more I realized how happy I'd be in life if I just didn't have them. I'd rather not have them at all then have them and not be a good mom. I also know my mom and sisters are going to be very disappointed when I tell them I'm going to have my tubes tied. I feel bad but kids would probably make me miserable. 
Am I wrong for feeling this way and does anyone else feel this way?