Possible Preeclampsia

DazlinSmoke • We tried for 6yrs to concieve, a few years ago we found out that I had a uterine septum and had it removed. Now, 2 years later, just when we were losing hope... suprise!! A baby boy is on the way!


I possibly have preeclampsia and I was wondering if anyone has had experience with it.

I am 29 weeks with my first. I had a blood test done 2 weeks ago and it was negative for everything, but this week I have been spotting, mild headache, and slightly elevated blood pressure. My OB did another blood test today and one of the values came back high, so they want to re test in 2 days to be sure it wasn't a fluke.

This possible diagnosis worries me because my mother in law had it. She ended up having to have a emergency c-section at 30 weeks because it became to dangerous for her. My husband was born 10 weeks early and had a very rough start. My mother in law almost died.