body acting weird this month

I apologize if this is not the right forum to post in, but this one said "health" so I figured I'd give it a shot.
This month I seem to have had an anovulatory cycle. I got positive opks but no temp shift. I know that happens sometimes so it's not majorly conerning, but I've had painful cramping and "pulling" sensations in my pelvic area. I don't know how to describe it other than feeling like my individual little muscles are actually being pulled apart.
Last month my period was 4 days late but did come on for about 2 days. I've done dozens upon dozens of HPTs and occasionally have had a faint line but mostly negative, so I just attribute the lines to being cheap tests. 
I'm not assuming that I'm pregnant, but I'm trying to hold off on going to the dr until I see how this cycle plays out.
I have no fever, odd discharge, or odor, so I don't believe infection is the cause. 
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!