Leaving dogs in the car.. this makes me so mad!! 😡😡

This makes me so angry.. I just watched a video on fb showing woman left the dog in the car for 10 mins under 90 degrees Fahrenheit with no ventilation at all. Someone called the police and he waited until the woman showed up. He told her off for leaving the dog and he checked the temperature was 114 degrees after 10 mins. She was giving attitude to the police too. So the police make her whole family sit in the car with everything shut while he wrote her a ticket to make her feel how hot it was. 
Now, she then filed a complaint against the police for being abusive and called the tv station as well to help justify her actions. 
What the hell!! She should be cited and fined. The dog should be taken away from her too. Kudos to the police for doing what he did to her. And please please don't leave your pets in the car no matter what..Â