Question about progesterone


I had the tiniest amount of brown discharge at one wipe only, at about 6 Weeks. Doctor asked me to go to his office. Everything was fine with the baby but the doctor prescribed me progesterone. Crinone to be more specific.

I am 9w4d now and I had another ultrasound two days ago and the doctor told me to continue to take crinone until 10 weeks.

Fact is that my family doctor told me it would be safer to take it until 12 weeks since I've already took it that much.

What do you think? I don't know what to do... I hate crinone but I would do it until 12 weeks if that's the best for the baby... Anyone knowing the exact reasoning behind this progesterone thing? *******UPDATE******* I took progesterone until I hit 10 weeks. I am 12 weeks now and everything is fine!