Bouncer/swing combos

Megan • 28 yearѕ old. мoммy тo jordan 8 yrѕ old💚 and мaттeo 6 yrѕ old💙wιғe тo мaттнew 4.26.13💍oυr aleхιѕ мae dυe 6.16.15 🎀
I'm looking into buying a bouncer/swing combo instead of having to buy both of them. We have limited space in an apartment along with my 2 sons things so I thought having both in one would help. I wanted some suggestions from other mommies. I would like one that swings on its own and also had a vibrate feature. I'm having a baby girl so either something girlie colored or something neutral colors would be fine even a light aqua blue is ok. Leave names of product with your comment. Thank you!!!