Im just so confused

Ciara 🌹
So I was supposed to have my period on day 28 or so my app says and it said I was 6 days late I went to go log in my symptoms and it changed and said af was supposed to come on the 26th of this month because that's when I started last month and now it's saying I'm 4 days late, I'm not sure exactly when AF is supposed to come I don't have a regular cycle and I don't know how late I am? It's been a whole month without a period (36 days to be exact) I've took em 3 tests and got a BFN! This is so frustrating I'm going to wait until the 5th or the 10th and see if AF comes or hopefully my HCG levels aren't high enough for a positive? I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms except the other day I had red spotting it didn't really look pink it looked more red so at this point I'm just so confused I wish I knew whats happening! And this app is saying I ovulate next week?!