Eating worse than ever!

Dana • Happily married and with 2 beautiful babies 💑+🙇🏼💙+👶🏼💕
I'm feeling really guilty and my sweet hubby doesn't help. I've been eating worse than ever! I'm 9 weeks today and have been suffering with all day sickness and occassional vomitting since 6.5 weeks. I eat so many carbs and drinking cola for the first time ever! Eating so much pizza withvegan  cheese and potato wedges. I rarely eat meat, can't stand veggies and have a banana and apple or tangerine everday. Before sickness I ate so well! Very healthy and balanced. My sweet hubby keeps telling me to have broccoli or pineapple or salad and I just can't stomach them. I sometimes can't swallow my prenatals :(