When TTC or during pregnancy, are/were you immune to Rubella? Meaning did you get a shot 6 months or before, prior to TTC?

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
Reading up on vaccinations.. Rubella vaccination is only for child bearing aged females (for the most part) specifically so you don't get it while pregnant as it could cause birth defects and such. I'd love to know - if INFANTS are MADE to get this shot, and it wares off 20 years later... why on earth aren't doctors pushing to keep everyone's vaccines up to date, adults included. I see no pressure whatsoever- in fact when I was TTC for 1.5 years I was never asked about any of my immunizations and I'm 32. I got checked 2-3 years prior to make sure things were in working order to TTC and still no questions. 
Does anyone ever think about this crap? This is the shot that makes me not trust any doctor or vaccinations - they only push so hard to load up infants bc they can't say no and parents are none the wiser, new, and are more apt to go with what the (paid) doctor pushes. I'd like to know who knows if they were up to date on rubella prior to TTC? 

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