Share your biggest crafting/hobby OOPS!!!

I'm an experienced soap maker, but anyone who makes their own soaps knows it's a continuous learning process, no matter how long you've been soaping! I was experimenting with a new recipe I was going to use strictly for gift-giving (I use my round, silicone mold for the soaps I sell), so I used a lined Pyrex dish as a mold instead. I added an ingredient I'd never used before, which instantly seized up the entire batch, turning it into a giant, clumpy blob & scorching the color that I tried (and failed!) to swirl through the soap! It turned out sooo ugly, all I could do was just crack up at myself!! Luckily in soapmaking, there's always a way to rebatch a mistake, but it was so comical to me how incredibly UGLY this batch turned out😂! So I figured I'd share my crafting "oops", and ask others to share their's as well! Best thing to do when you mess up big-time is just laugh it off and try again! So what's YOUR biggest hobby/crafting "oops"??? Post a pic & share!!😀