Not sure if I'm welcome here lol

Annabel • "For this child I have prayed..." 🛐✝
I do not have any children from previous relationships. But I am a Step Mom and I have been since March 28th, 2015! (I've been in their lives since October 2014). 
I'm 24 now and have a son who just turned 1 on June 28th. We were going to try for another in May...but I guess we just couldn't help ourselves and in April I became pregnant with baby #2 (pregnancy #4). I have two step kids. A SD who is 5 and a SS who is 7. They have a VERY HCBM (high conflict bio mom) and every day with them is a both a blessing and a nightmare. 😂 
Im hoping that since I'm a step parent I can stay! I have a lot of insight from personal experience, so if anyone else is a new SM I'm here to help lol. And I'm also here to vent some because my kiddos are a piece of work. Lol. 
Cheers 🍻