I really don’t care anymore

I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. In those three years my drive for the relationship is going down because of his lying and immature thoughts. He use to be a big drug user (Molly, weed, coke) he stopped after we started dating because I wasn’t ok with it and I knew he had so much more potential. I didn’t ask him to stop he did it on his own. I was there to help him in anyway he needed me. He’s been complaining about his friends not wanting to hang out with him. I try to explain to him that they all have families now and life isn’t what it was in high school, but he just doesn’t get it. We were at dinner the other night and he is joking about being on Molly and rolling in the restaurant. The looks on people’s faces when the heard! I was so embarrassed. I don’t know what to do, and at this point I don’t really care what happens with us. What do I do? I’ve talked to him, and told him over and over again about how I feel. I just don’t know anymore