
hey ladies. i could really use some insight on what's been going on, in just so confused and don't know what to think anymore.

me and my SO decided to give it a try for baby #2. on may 18 i had my IUD removed. i had paragard which has no hormones. i started vigorously tracking my CM, basal temp, and testing for ovulation. my projected period was june 27, but AF showed up on july 1. i thought nothing of it because some woman say it takes a bit for their cycle to regulate after an IUD removal. my cycle was only 4 days which normally i am 7 days. on july 14 and july 15 i tested positive on an ovulation test. me and my husband were already having sex my whole fertile week. my period was expected on june 28 but never came. on june 30 with first morning urine i tested positive on an early detection pregnancy test. i retested that afternoon and the next morning and both came back clearly positive. i called and made an appt with my OB for july 18. this past monday july 3, in the afternoon i went to use the bathroom and noticed a small amount of light pink blood when i wiped. i waited about an hour but it kept happening , again only when i wiped. my OB was closed due to the holiday so me and my SO made a trip to the ER. they did a pelvic exam and stated my cervix was completely closed and only noted about 5ml of blood. they then took blood and sent me for an ultrasound. the blood test came back with my HGC level of 5 and a negative urine test. my ultrasound showed nothing in my uterus. after a very long and uncomfortable vaginal ultrasound i started to bleed more heavy like my period. they said i had a miscarriage and sent me on my way. my husband and i were both very upset and just trying to stay positive. the next day i felt nauseous and threw up. today i've been tired and nauseous on and off. i am a nurse , and my mother in law has been an OB nurse in the hospital for many many years. i am aware that at only 4 week pregnant ( which i would have been ) my hormone levels can be a 5 and it would be very hard if not impossible to see anything by ultrasound. my mind got the best of me and i went and got 2 more pregnancy tests last night. i took one last night and one again this AM and both showed faint positive lines. these tests were not early detection. i have an appt with my OB tmrw and i'm going to discuss everything with her but i'd love some insight on anyone who's experienced anything similar ? heavy implantation bleeding ? implantation bleeding after missed period ? positive tests after being told you miscarried ? when did you see your little one first on ultrasound?

sorry to unload so much info my mind is just all over 😞