Tips on growing hair??

Any tips for growing healthy hair?? 🙃
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There's a conditioner my sister uses called Doo Gro, she doesn't use it every time she washes her hair she uses it twice a week. Her hair has grown so much the last few months it's also a reconstructive treatment


k. • Jul 22, 2017
Will all the doogro products work to grow hair out or just the oil?


Beth • Jul 20, 2017
You can get it off eBay or amazon


Aly • Jul 7, 2017
do you know where she bought it??


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Jamaican black caster oil


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Take vitamins, especially the B vitamins and also biotin. Also massage your scalp nightly, depending on your hair texture and length, sleep with a loss braid in. Throughout the day avoid tight ponytails, buns, or styles repeatedly as that will pull out a ton of hair you want to keep. Keep up on getting trimmed so you are not having to cut off inches because of split ends. Also try hair masks like once a week maybe to kind of rejuvenate the scalp lol


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Coconut oil is LIFE!!!!!! Also keratin makes your hair healthy but does not make your hair grow. Another product would be not your mother's way to grow shampoo conditioner and leave in conditioner! I used it when my hair was short and now my hair is really long and it didn't take that long. I advise to braid your hair every night because it makes your hair stronger.


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Biotin ! Or prenatals ! Excellent for growing hair and also nails 🤷🏽‍♀️


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Prenatal vitamins for sure! I took them daily during pregnancy and now still take daily since I'm breastfeeding. My hair has grown significantly!! They help with hair and nail growth


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Anti aging shampoo!