So we found out I'm pregnant


Guys so I found out I'm pregnant yesterday I got 3 home pregnancy test the 6 days sooner than your missed period I had a feeling I was pregnant because I have a son who is 10 months old I was having kind of the same symptoms I had sex June 23rd with my partner when I took the 1st home pregnancy test 1 line was faint and 1 was very dark so I took another one I was curious to why 1 line kept being faint so I did my research on it & it was saying something about low hcg levels so I started getting anxious I searched up the meaning of low hcg levels it said something about miscarriage so I got nervous I had my partner take me to urgent care the urgent care I arrive to didn't have an obgyn department witch come to find out the obgyn department was 45 minutes in a whole different city lord I was getting irritated but they had me stay at urgent care they ran my pee it was negative so they asked did I wanna try another more accurate test I said yes they drew blood it came back Positive for pregnancy I didn't really know how I felt sad happy I just couldn't figure out what I was feeling but then she asked are you willing to go to the obgyn department for further information & get your ultrasound done I said yeah so we arrived at the obgyn department they did ultrasound there was no baby yet she said it's to early but you are for sure pregnant I am exactly 4 weeks pregnant hcg level of 17 & I have an appointment July 17th