Anatomy scan yesterday, 20 weeks today! What milestones have you hit so far?

Camille • ♥️ IVF baby 03/2021 • Miracle baby 11/2017 ♥️

The past two weeks have been so eventful!

-Started feeling quickening/little kicks

-Nausea is getting more manageable, vomiting is less and less frequent

-Still don't have a big appetite but food aversions are subsiding

-Bump FINALLY popped

-Pants officially will no longer button

-Met our midwife

-Had our anatomy scan and the baby perfectly healthy and a good size

-It's a boy! (I had a feeling but I'm still a little bit in shock lol)

-Hit the 20 week mark today, officially half way there!

My second trimester started out really slow and I was a little worried that I was behind, but I am feeling so relieved to finally have hit so many of the milestones. Hoping now that I know everything is on track that this will soothe some of my anxiety and I can start to bond with my little guy and enjoy being pregnant a bit more. 😍