SO "Sympathy" Symptoms?!

Since finding out that we are having a baby, my husband has been showing more symptoms of being pregnant than me. He's incredibly moody, and snaps at me; gets up to pee two or three times more often than I do; falls asleep early; and complains of his stomach hurting or having a constant headache. I read that sometimes this actually happens with partners of expecting moms. What the heck is going on?! Isn't it our time to be pampered and doted on to a certain extent? I feel crappy and tired's his turn to help me out. Instead, I'm finding myself catering to him and his "ailments". I drew the line last night when he kept reaching in our fridge and pulled out my higher-priced, naturally flavored seltzers I sought out to purchase at the store. I get ONE beverage that's a treat, and he will not be the one depleting the select inventory. With a refrigerator and pantry stocked full of various off-limits-to-me sodas, teas, wine, etc. he has his choice of copious amounts of liquids that no doubt will be sending him off to the yet another restroom break. Of course, I got a snappy response from cutting him off.