Feel like giving up. :/

Tori • 26 years old. Married since November 2014. Blessed with 2 beautiful girls. 8 years old & 3 years old. Actively trying for baby #3. Miscarriage in October 2016. & Ectopic pregnancy July 2017 resulting in removal of left Fallopian tube. 💜🖤

So after my 6 BFP at home tests I called the doctor. I Had blood work on Wednesday. Came back positive with my HCG at 41.6. Doctor said it could just be because we caught the pregnancy very early. I told her how I had some spotting, she became very concerned because I have had a previous miscarriage. So she wanted to repeat blood work on Friday. HCG levels came back at 52.7. Doctor is concerned that this isn't a healthy pregnancy so I go back in for more blood work on Monday. & she wants to rule out ectopic pregnancy as well. Really hoping my numbers skyrocket. But I am currently preparing myself for the worst. I just hate playing the waiting game. This will b my second miscarriage, I had one back in October as well. Feeling really discouraged & not sure if I want to continue trying. Advice? Success stories?