Please someone answer ...


This js long but worth the read..I had two dreams of Jesus the first ... 2 people told me Jesus had something special for me we walked and I came to a little rectangle in the wall and I put my eye to look inside and it was like sense of people I don't remeber what they were doing then I turned around and see the most beautiful place I ever seen, I see beautiful big trees clear blue water, paths of rocks beautiful rocks, then I see I huge water fountain thing then I see someone in a white cloak I look and it's him it's Jesus! As I went up to try and talk to him he turned into a statue ... then I woke up.

My 2nd dream was a couple nights ago. In this dreams I was driving.. and crashed in this place.. rocky, dusty place.. I crashed into his burial where they buried him... I look inside and see him. He has his cloak on... he sees me and reaches his hand out to touch me then pulls away and does it again and pulls away, I keep trying to reach and touch him but I couldnt. Then I took my hand out and a glass window went over it so I wouldn't be able to stick my hand back in.. then I woke up... what's does this mean? I feel like he's trying to tell me something, someone please answer if you think you know what it means.