Help please.


I keep getting small pains around my vagina they don't hurt its just I notice it feels like my period may start and my breast are slight tender but this whole week they've been tender. My period is 5 days late I never get real "period symptoms " the only one I generally get is tender breasts and it keeps feeling like my period is starting but it's not. and I'm worried I could be pregnant. My boyfriend and I have sex usually with condoms and he pulls out before he cums but also recently there's been a few times we've done it unprotected but he only lasts maybe 2-4 minutes with out condoms and he has always pulls out before he cums and he has to jerk of a little before actually cuming. I'm not on bc or anything I'm just very anxious because I also have another app I was going to switch to and it says my period doesn't start till tomorrow...