What an experience πŸ˜­πŸ‘ΆπŸ»


Well after going overdue I was dying to have my boy! Had my sweep Tuesday at 40&4, Went into labour weds at 9pm at 40&5, harsh yet irregular contractions πŸ™„ they suddenly stopped at 2am (why?!) but started back up at dinner time Thursday... this time 5-7 min apart and getting more regular! Was told to stay home which I did, until three got to 3min apart which happened to be Friday at 41 weeks! (Ouch!) was 4cm when admitted and got in the birthing pool it was amazing, but as I progressed MW said he was back to back and I was getting the most INTENSE back contractions that got so unbearable ! Was checked and was only 5cm after 4 hours 😭 begged for an epidural but they refused and said I'll progress quickly, so roll forward to another 5 hours of crazy intense back contractions... still only 5cm?! I demanded I be transferred to another hosp as this was birth centre they don't have dr for epidural, transferred by ambulance where I got my epidural at hosp... oh my the relief! All I did was sleep for a few hours after she broke my waters and plugged in the drip! At 7.30 I'm

Told it's time to push and pushed for 1 1/2 hours with no luck due to his position πŸ˜“ not to mention the epidural wasn't masking these back contractions again! Told i needed assisting and they used foreceps... had to be cut but baby boy arrived at 10.40 pm on 8th July... 8pound 2 ounces im so in love although in agony!! Far from a pleasant birth but at least my little mans here πŸ’™

Blakely David Cross πŸ’™πŸ‘ΆπŸ»