Prego or no?

So I'm lowkey freaking out or overthinking or something. But my boyfriend recently came home from being on a long distance trip. I hadn't seen him forever so when we did see each other it was a very high level of intimacy between us. We just started dating so being intimate with one another was also new to us both. I am very protective and smart when it comes to sex. I've had pregnancy scares before as well. But recently I've been more worried then before. I feel stupid for thinking I could be pregnant over the idea that a conception happened over a make out session of touching heavily. But is that possible? Like we had sex but I was already 2 days late on my period, was using a condom and took a plan B a few hours later. I haven't gotten my period still! I'm just lowkey anxious about it all. Life has been stressful, so I understand that could cause my period to be late by a few days but tomorrow I'll be four days late already. I have had breakouts, slightly overemotional some days, and noticed a little bit of old blood in my discharge (spotting?) I sound immature and stupid. But please tell me your opinion on what I should do. I'm praying I'm not pregnant. I can't handle that right now.