What is going on?? Help!!

Me and my husband have been married almost a year. And... he almost never wants to have sex. He never initiates it and almost always turns me down when I initiate it. We used to have sex seriously all the time when we first started dating. Then after we got married it all just went downhill. I don't understand! His excuses are that he's too tired, he's too busy, it's too late, or he's just not in the mood. Like we haven't had sex in a long time and he's STILL not in the mood?? How? I made the suggestion to schedule in sex before it gets too late at night so he won't be so tired and it won't be so late. He agrees but then never wants to when the time comes.. he's "too tired" still and he's not in the mood.. that's why I'm begging you at 6 pm instead of 11 pm when it's too late and you're too tired! When he says he's too busy, I say let's have sex for 10 minutes.. all I'm asking is 10 minutes.. do you have 10 minutes to spare?? He says yes unexcitedly but then makes no moves and seems the least bit interested. Like every time I initiate it he seems extremely not interested and excited. I've tried everything but he just won't have sex with me! I've talked to him numerous times about it and how I feel and he says he'll fix it and work on it but he never does. He also masturbates quite often and regularly. So sometimes that's why he's "not in the mood" because he already relieved himself earlier that day. Like seriously?? I'm practically begging him to have sex with me cuz we haven't had sex in so long yet he's not in the mood cuz he's already done himself. Hello! You have a willing, pleading wife at home wanting to have sex with you, but instead of having sex with me, you masturbate so you're not in the mood for me when you get home. I don't understand. What should I do? Does anyone have a similar situation? Advice?? I've mentioned marriage counseling.. he doesn't want to go.. I dress up in naughty outfits.. doesn't phase him.. I bought supplements.. which he won't take.. I offer to have him use essential oils.. he doesn't want to.. I'm at a loss. I am so frustrated and about to give up. Please give me some tips or advice. Thanks in advance! Please no rude comments.