Ttc 5th Month.

Hey ladies!
So I just wanted to share my story. Feel free to comment whatever you would like... Negative or positive! (Because either way, water off a duck's back! Lol.)
So I JUST turned 23 on the 22nd of this month (yay me!) and my fiancé and I have been trying to conceive for about 5 months. Maybe 4. Not remembering correctly.
So last week, I had downloaded an app that tracks your pregnancy, and I decided, "Why not? Let's pretend like I am!" According to Glow, we went along and engaged in coitus two days on my furtile window, and weekends afterwards. (He and I live in two different places, in two different cities, an hour away.) I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow. (According to Glow anyways.)
I started getting really excited about that <a href="">pregnancy app</a>, sending little facts and tid bits about our "supposed" baby's development. 
MY GOODNESS did he blow up on me! I don't blame him. I started getting really depressed as well! Just beating myself up saying that I'm not and still looking at this app. So he made me promise that:
1. I would delete the apps. (Which I did.)
2. Not get a pregnancy test until the 31st (I will be having an annual check up at my dr.)
3. I would stay away from any rigorous dieting. (I'm trying to loose 40 lbs for myself)
Here's the deal, my breast are tender every other day... Sometimes they're numb, sometimes I can't stand a bra, sometimes they get itchy as if a dull needle is poking at them...
Then there are cravings. OHHH... The cravings which are going AGAINST my means of losing weight. The other night I went to bed and woke up at 2 am craving a bacon wrapped hot dog... And ever since, I have been waking up with that craving. Water tastes METALLIC! It's horrible! Which doesn't help either because I already don't drink enough water! 
I'm bloated beyond belief as well. Never been this bloated! I hate it. Haha.
Then I read somewhere that if pregnant the area around the clitorus and around the opening to your vagina are a purple color... Which mine is at the moment... But then again... I never checked the color until then! So I have NOTHING to compare to. Lol.
Anyways... I made the promise to my fiancé for the above three things... But it really doesn't help that he keeps telling me, "baby Agnes needs pepsi?" He rubs my belly... And kisses it too. And just... STAHP! Haha. He's not helping. And yet I'm LOVING the attention.
Anyways... I guess I consider this a rant. But feel free to talk about your experiences in the comments below!