Baby boy name trouble


So my mother planned a small dinner with my sister in law and best friend as a gesture to welcome my baby boy due on 8/14 into the world. Didn't bother with a shower since I already have an 18 month old girl.

So they were hounding me for the name we have picked out so I told then, we haven't decided but here is my list....i have about 10 names.

My sister in law goes "my baby name is on that list"

I go "well don't tell me" since I didn't want it to sway our decision either way.

Then she proceeds to tell me anyway and says that's the name she has picked out.

She has a 2 year old girl but has been trying to get pregnant again, she's had an issue with miscarriages. But not pregnant yet, if she does get pregnant who knows if she would have a boy??

This also happens to be one of the few names that my hubby actually liked on my list.

When I came home and told my hubby, his view was it doesn't really matter what she thinks and we should do whatever we want.

What is the right thing to do here??

Thank you all!!