Not sure if should announce after bleeding

I'm currently 9+1 with baby number 2. I have an 8 1/2 month old son who is still nursing a few times a day.

I had some bleeding around the end of 6 weeks which started out very light then got heavier. Not like a period but still had to use a regular pad and changed it probably 2-3 times a day. The bleeding lasted 4-5 days, lightening up after I passed a small clot.

I didn't have any cramping at all so midwife said she was not worried it was a miscarriage. We only get an ultrasound in Sweden at 18-22 weeks. They said I could go to a private women's clinic if I was worried and get U/S but I haven't.. my husband thinks we shouldn't be worried.

Anyway, I'm wondering if I should even announce at 13 weeks. Still had terrible nausea, exhausted, tender breasts etc. midwife seems confident and said to just continue as if pregnant. Just nervous as so much online saying if it was a miscarriage could still have symptoms and positive pregnancy test for weeks after.

Any advice?