Crazy boyfriend


My boyfriend of 3 year this time been off and on since I was 15 I'm 25 now just got out of jail. Got me pregnant the first time we had sex when I drove 27 hours to get to him. Started going back to his old ways. Smoking and drinking doing drugs. At the end only 2 weeks 7 days later he broke my windshield stole my phone and stole my car. Can't believe I did all that I did for the last 7 months of him being in jail. He treats me like this. Like I'm a ATM and a maid something to fuck. Told me I cheated on him bec I got pregnant so soon. I have always been faithful! I scared I'm going to have a miscarriage bec I have had 5 in the passed. I don't care if I can't have him. I want this baby more then ever. I will always love sober him. But he will never be the man I need him to be. He will never grow up and thats so sad that he lost us (me&baby;) over drugs and alcohol. Some people just can't change. Fucking heartbroken!!