Finally writing my own birth story

Finally writing my own birth story! This is insanely long and detailed just so I remember everything correctly lol sorry! 
On Friday 7/7, my husband and I had to get up early to bring our puppy to the vet for a checkup. As I was getting dressed I could tell baby was much lower, and when I bent down slightly to pull my leggings up and my bladder completely let itself go (this was definitely urine, not my waters yet). I got myself cleaned up, changed my underwear and pants, and the same thing happened again. A little bit annoyed with myself, I grabbed a third pair of underwear/ pants, put a pad in, and we went to the vet. We got home after a short while, I was starting feeling a small amount of general pressure and every now and again my bladder occasionally letting go. I called out of work because who wants to be peeing themselves and wearing an adult diaper at work? 😂
Around 5 PM, I ate a sandwich and some chips and then started feeling a little bit crampy after playing with the puppy so I decided to lay down and take a nap. At 6:45 I woke up in a decent amount of unexpected pain in my stomach, which quickly went away. I got up to pee, laid back down and continued getting pains which turned out to be contractions so I decided to start timing them out. After an hour, each contraction was about 3-5 minutes apart and 30-55 seconds long.  At this point I let hubby know (he was at work), called the doctor on call and told her what was going on and she wanted me to come in. So called hubby back, waiting for him to get home, collected what we needed for just in case, and left for the hospital. I get checked in around 8:30, the nurse checked me for dilation at almost 9:00 and I was about 3 cm dilated. They kept me on the monitors and wanted to check back in an hour to see if I was progressing or not. At 10 pm I was at 5 cm, and they did an ultrasound to find I had no amniotic fluid left, so they moved me to a delivery room and got me settled in. I have no clue when my water broke because I was also peeing myself all day! 😅 I was having contractions back to back, that were just getting more intense so they ordered my epidural which luckily came fast. As the anesthesiologist was getting me prepped I started shaking like a leaf and feeling nauseous from the contraction pain, and then I started puking. They waited for that to pass, got me cleaned up, and I got my epidural around 11:45 pm.  Immediately after this, they checked again I was at 9.5 cm dilated, 100% effaced and just about ready to go. But as the epidural kicked in, my contractions slowed down a ton. So the nurses and doctors were getting things set up, and every now and again turning me to try to get baby to come down. Around 4:30 AM (7/8), my contractions started picking up again and with one I felt him move down into place just by the difference in area of pressure I was feeling. At this point, I started pushing with each contraction and at 5:27 AM, at 37+5 weeks, weighing 6 lbs 15 oz, my son was finally out! I tore a tiny bit and got 3 stitches, we did skin to skin for an hour and then he nursed for about an hour. After this, I had to pee sooo bad so I got up did that and also showered and was able to get some pancakes for breakfast! 😂
He's so perfect ❤️