Pregnancy loss at 23 weeks & baby loss at 26 weeks


Alina , My sweet angel baby πŸ‘ΌπŸΌπŸŒΈ

Below is my pregnancy loss story and baby loss. I basically kept a diary of every day that my precious baby was alive. I miss her dearly. I love her so much. Best 3 weeks of my life.


April 14th, 2017 Friday

Morning had bleeding , I went to the hospital & had no contractions , no one believed me that I was bleeding. They were monitoring me and the baby and everything was fine . they had me walking around and weren't really taking care of me . Hrs later I walked over to get my ultrasound and they did an abdominal ultrasound and saw everything was fine and then they did a vaginal ultrasound and the lady said "no one has done a pelvic exam on you ? " cause she saw my cervix was 4cm dilated . And that's when they started treating me with care and did not let me stand up at all , they took me back to triage center on a stretcher and admitted me right away . I was on a slanted position on my back from there on ( feet elevated above my head , something about gravity keeping everything in ) I was so scared because my baby was 23 weeks & 1 day . I had a neonatologist come in and talk about possible outcomes of my baby coming so early . At around 6:29pm ( i Remembered the time because they closed the cafeteria at 6:30 pm & I didn't get the chance to order food ) I was brought to my room and I was on bed rest. My boyfriend and his mom came to see me. I was bleeding a lot and kept having the urge to pee . I was fine . Around 11 pm my father came and a few minutes later I was put on a catheter and then given a medication to supposedly relax my muscles but it didn't , it dried out my mouth and insides , I felt hot I felt like I was on fire and I just couldn't anymore . I started going into labor I felt that I had too poop but it was actually the baby coming . I started feeling labor pains . I was rushed to labor and delivery room and I just remember yelling that I needed to push and I told them to call my boyfriend in and the nurses just kept telling me to breathe then i had to wait for them to do an ultrasound to see if the baby was breeched or not and then they doctor did a pelvic check and said no visual of cervix . And then after they saw the baby was breeched I was taken to the OR around 1140 I was in pain and sad that they didn't let my boyfriend come in , I was alone in the OR getting ready for my emergency classical CSection , I was put to sleep. I woke up around 3:45 am i remember asking the nurse the time . I was asleep and I couldn't open my eyes or move , I do remember the nurses says I was wheezing , I felt like I couldn't breathe . Around 4:30 am I was taken to the NICU to see my baby girl. I was told she was born at 1am

April 15,2017

Baby was born at 1am . She is stable . She is on the ventilator but requiring a little bit of oxygen .

April 16, 2017 Sunday

On ventilator but requiring little oxygen , colostrum oral care , medication to prevent brain bleeds

April 17, 2017 Monday

On Cpap (mask oxygen ) & had jaundice of the skin so she was placed under UV Light , she had colostrum oral care , they said they have to check her brain for any brain bleeds . She had an alarm where she forgot to breathe but she quickly found the caffeine in her body to remind her to breathe

Medication to prevent brain bleeds .

April 18, 2017 Tuesday .

Had a brain ultrasound to check for any bleeding , brain scan came back negative 😊 she's very active , she will start feeding thru the tube . On Friday they will redo the brain scan.

She is 1.3 oz today

April 19,2017

Started feeding today (receiving drops of Breastmilk ) on ventilator low settings , oxygen levels in blood are good , might come of the phototherapy ( blue light tanning) today , will get an heart ultrasound today to make sure one of the veins has closed .

April 20 , 2017

Tolerating drops of milk , on little oxygen , heart ultrasound came back good artery is closed , still on photo therapy light . ( 24 weeks ) Blood Pressure is going up and down but no alarms , they think her artery keeps closing and opening . No heart murmur

11pm - baby has a small leakage of air in the intestines , will get a small incision on her belly to relive the pressure

11:40 PM - Surgery (15-20 ) minutes

April 21,2017

2am - surgery went good , now she has bleeding at incision so they will give her blood to elevate her platelets ; bowels in the intestines and now they're draining .

Head ultrasound came back normal πŸ‘πŸΌ 0% of having a brain bleed

Lungs are good

Will not be tube fed for 7-10 days

She is gonna make it through

April 22,2017

X-rays came back good, still has drainage in her tube . Bacteria growing in her blood she is getting treated for it . Received platelets today . Her skin is cracking because it's sensitive , she will see a Wound specialist on Monday

Took her first poop today

She's 21% on oxygen

April 23,2017

She weighs 1lb 4oz no updates today , 30.5 cm (1 ft)

April 24,2017

Had a staph infection which was the bacteria growing in her blood. They repeated a blood culture and don't see anything growing in it . will put in a central line tmw other then that she's good , opened her left eye today !!!!!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸΌ ( 24 weeks & 3 days) 1lb & 5 oz , 10:42 pm night shift nurse said both eyes are opened

April 25, 2017

She's doing better , stomach looks good , heard rumbling noises in her stomach that is a good sign that her bowels are moving . Around 2 pm they will put in her central line and take out her umbilical line . Skin is looking real good . She's active moving around . She is receiving a blood transfusion today . No update she is stable . She has her central line in at 3:30 pm . She is 1lb & 6 oz

April 26,2017

BP is Low , They did a heart ultrasound to see if her BP was low because her artery was open and it's closed Echocardiogram- Is good. They checked to see if she had acid in her blood that came back negative . They checked to see if one of her glands that produces hormones was low and hers was 13 and it's suppose to be on 8 so her body is tolerating everything going on . Removed the green tube in her mouth . Now has her feeding tube. Also her stomach intestines were the whole perforated seem to have sealed correctly and they have removed the sutures around the drainage so it can fall out . She is on blood pressure medication. Blood transfusion today , off pain medication. Drain tube fell out . 44% of oxygen

April 27, 2017

25 weeks today 🌸

1:45 am , her heart rate was in the 200's a few hours ago we thought it was because she was in pain and needed to be put back on pain medication but on reality she was just hot , her heart rate is now at 150's and she's on 35% oxygen

@12 pm 30% oxygen

@4:50 pm she is doing good she is stable , they will do an exam on Monday or Tuesday were they Are going to put liquid contrast in her rectum to see if the her bowels are intact to start feeding, her bp is good , they will start to wean her off the BP medication

April 28,2017

No changes , she's stable. Blood count is low, she's going to receive a blood transfusion. Still on BP medication . Since she's maturing they won't have to give her so much blood transfusions . Head ultrasound

April 29,2017

2 weeks today ❀️ Normal head ultrasound , no labs today , tomorrow will be her last day of antibiotics

April 30,2017

1lb & 5 oz , will start feeding tmw πŸΌπŸ’•

May 1, 2017

Getting a blood transfusion today. X-rays show gas in her intestines , will do a enema today to see if they can feed or not . Will do another head ultrasound . Once her GI resolves they will give her medication for her lungs to mature to get her off the ventilator. And start on the mask . 1lb 7.6 πŸ’πŸ»

May 2,2017

Had a big stool , had a lot of bowel sounds so they will not do the enema ! 😊😊😊 they will start feeding at 12pm 2ml

May 3, 2017

She is tolerating her food , increasing milk to 3ml , will start steroids shots ( decadron )today , saw her first smile today , changed her diaper today 😘

1lb 9 oz

May 4,2017

26 weeks 🌸

No update , feeding Increased to 5ml

May 5,2017

Feeding increased to 7ml , gave her suppository to poop. Not responding well to the steroids treatment .

770 g 1lb 11 oz

3pm - stopped her feedings for the night , her belly measure 20 cm and they did an X-ray and they checked that she had gasses in the top part of her intestines . They think her intestines are narrowed .

8pm her belly measure 19 1/2 .

May 6,2017

3 weeks old πŸ’•πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Œ

19 cm belly , 50 oxygen

Baby has a leak in her intestines again she needs surgery will be transferred to children's hospital . Her stomach looks big and she looks pale with little color to her precious skin .she

was placed on a high frequency ventilator

Baby passed away


I didn't keep track of what happened after she passed away because I still remember it like if it was yesterday. After she passed away I had a viewing and a funeral for her. You