Told our parents today <3


I'm still really early, only 4.2 along but I miscarried my last pregnancy at 5.0 weeks and I need all the support I can get to get me past Saturday. Once I hit 5.1 I might relax a bit, 6.1 is the next goal after that.

I had already lied to my mum and said I'd gotten my period, because we weren't gonna tell them until 8 weeks buuuut I'm useless at keeping things from Mumma. She was really excited and now Dad keeps calling her 'Grandma' which is his way of being excited.

We told his parents and his Mum said she thought she knew from when she saw me on Saturday, apparently I looked different. Not gonna lie I thought that too, but not sure how she noticed and I'd only known since the night before.

Glow, help me get past Saturday. Let my heart settle. I know I'm gonna be a mess right through the first trimester, until I can see and feel my baby, I don't think I'll be able to relax.