Always alone!


My husband wants to stay indoors all the time. He hates going anywhere. It's like pulling teeth to get him to go to Costco with me to load the massive dog food bags. He never takes me on a date. He has zero interest in doing anything I want to do (wine and dine, outdoorsy stuff). We live in a really fun coastal city and that's why I moved here. He was more fun when we first met. We live at the beach and never go to the beach. I enjoy having companionship, having someone to do stuff with. I don't want to sit inside and watch tv and movies all the damn time. We have had this convo countless times and it's the same excuse "we lived in the middle of nowhere growing up I'm used to having to entertain myself at home". I'm like yeaaaah but where's the compromise here? What about what I want to do? I don't want to do everything alone. I'm perfectly fine alone and I've done that for many years but now that I'm married I want to enjoy life WITH someone. Anytime something needs to be done he words the question like "what are your plans today?" And I'm like uhhhh how about what are OUR plans today? Don't you want to do something? So divided.