Struggling to come to terms with it all

So long story short we have been trying for over 6 years and then on good Friday after a terrible start to the year, god gave me a special easter present and yet it was taken away from me. I see the "silver lining" that everyone keeps talking about...yes it is good that I finally conceived but still can't seem to drag my arse out of this feeling of hopelessness.

My friend has 2 wonderful babies and I couldn't be happier for them, but I couldn't stop myself from crying when she told me over message she was expecting her 3rd and is 6 weeks gone. I really am pleased for her but my question is... does it get easier when your still trying after a miscarriage not to get so upset. I'm not a jealous person and I didn't mean to get so upset just wish our little bean had stayed put at 6 weeks. 😔