Fertility Problems


Okay,  this is gonna be a long post so please bare w me. I just need other options about my situation and what i should do.

I started my period when i was 12 but its never been regular. I'd have a period,  wait 3-4 months and then id have another one.

In 2014, i met my current boyfriend and since i knew we were going to be sexually active i wanted to be same and out myself on Birth Control pills. For the 2 and a half years i was on BC my period was regular, and always lasted a max of 4 days.

After my 20th birthday last year (Bday in August) my boyfriend and I came to the conclusion that if we ever wanted to have children itd be best to stop BC while i was still young and healthy.

I've now been off BC for almost a year and my periods have went back to how they use to be (have a period wait 3-4 months have another one) until march. I lost my job and got reslly stressed out and the next day i started. It lasted for exactly 4 days as they did before. Then i had one in April, again lasted for exactly 4 days.  I didnt have one in May and i was kinda bumbed out (you dont understand how bad i want to have periods so i can actually ovulate). Then on June 29th i started again except this time it lasted 6 days, stopped and then on july 7th i started spotting heavily and its been like that fir the last 3 days.

Glow says today should be my first day of ovulation but im so worried and have no idea what my body is actually doing.

Has anyone else ever had the same experience or can anyone provide any insight as to what you think i should do moving forward to hopefully allow me to consive?