Braxton Hicks - More Intense


So been having BH's more than usual since yesterday.. Had my OB appt this morning, Doc says go to L&D if more than 6 in an hour... So packed up the bags, put car seat in car and we're off... Just hoping everything is good and she stays in a few more weeks... But gotta follow Drs. Orders.

34+1 today.

UPDATE: After 4hrs of monitoring, cervix is soft but no dilation. Baby girl was extremely active and contractions came every 4-12 mins with lots of pressue. Anyhow, I was released still having contractions. I have a NST tomorrow and Friday each week going forward, so we'll see what status is tomorrow. We did notice that contractions were worse while I laid on my back in the hospital, once I moved to my side, they weren't as instense.