Thankful to find this group

Kimmy • Wife. Mama. Aussie-American. Broncos Enthusiast. Kings Fan. Racing Groupie. Chocolate Addict.

I am so thankful I found this group!

I have struggled with my weight for a long time. I've also been irregular since I could remember, and had fertility issues before finally getting pregnant with my son.

Before and during that TTC season, everyone commented on how my weight is causing these problems- even though I am healthy in every other aspect.

Luckily, I switched obgyns when I got pregnant and she never mentioned my weight. I did have a rough pregnancy, but none of the issues were weight-related.

My son is 14 months old now and I (embarassing confession) am heavier than I was when I was pregnant.

We've been talking about ttc for #2 and immediately I thought about my weight. I've had days and nights where I cry because I'm either scared to get too heavy, don't want to get pregnant until I'm skinnier, or don't even want to be pregnant again because I'm clearly terrible at losing the baby weight.

I've been feeling guilt, shame, even disgust. But this group... this group of beautiful women is a sanity-saver for me right now!