He doesn't want our baby

I finally got frustrated and made my boyfriend talk to me after not talking about my being pregnant, and just acting like nothing was even happening. He told me he doesn't want this child because it doesn't feel like the right timing and he wants to be more stable in life. He's 30 and I'm 23. I want this child I'm heartbroken that I even had to hear him say that. I've given up a child before due to the fact that I was in a very abusive relationship and did not want to put my child in harms way, nor did I want to stay with that man. I am in love with my current boyfriend and I promised myself that I wouldn't ever put myself through another abortion again. But not I am so confused. I don't want to ruin his life. But I don't want to regret this abortion for the rest of my life. I'm so lost at this point.