What is your dream wedding?

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get married in AUTUMN. Maybe September or early October. I love this idea because I am so in love with how the leaves from the trees turn into pretty fall colors and it wouldn't be so cold. I really want a venue at a vineyard or out in the countryside where it can overlook a lake or some type of water. I would love to have a outdoor wedding if it's not cold outside and have the reception inside. I've been on Pintrest and I'm so obsessed with the whole theme. I want mason jars and beautiful strings of lights and a pretty fall bouquet. I want a pretty white dress. I'm black too, and i'm not even a country person, but i think it's amazing and so beautiful to have a fall wedding.  I'm not getting married, but if I were to get married, that would be my dream wedding.
 What about you?