Hes such a dick... having a shitty night

I work and so does my boyfriend. We have 4 kids so we rarely get to spend a lot of time together.

His brother moved in a few months ago when he and his wife split and ever since, the little time we did get to spend together is now non existant.

Hes been promising me every night now for a week to come watch a movie with me but here it is 10pm at night and he only came inside because i abused the shit out of him. He was in the shed with his brother talking and drinking.

Meanwhile im inside trying to get 2 babies off to sleep no success gotta be at work in 8 hours. Way too late now to watch a movie.

I told him earlier on i was feeling sad and depressed and he said we could talk about it tonight and he has been with his brother!

I just told him whats the point of being with me if we spend no time together.. and hes like "awww righto whatever" just being a douchebag. Im on our bed right now bawling my eyes out.

I just wanted to spend time with him. Its like he doesnt even care!