The Everlasting Trigger Shot Help 11dpt


I had a "full shot" of pregnyl (up to the 1) on 6/30. This was my second full shot and I didn't test out the shot the first time to see how long until it leaves my system.

Today is 7/11, which makes 11 days after my trigger shot and I still have a line. It is faint, but still there. I have tested every single day to see when it leaves and it is still there.

My <a href="">IUI</a> was done on 7/2 with three mature follicles and he had a 32 million count. Good numbers for both. I took 2.5 mg of femara CD3-7.

Here's where I'm getting confused... I'm 9dpiui and 11dpt. This is what I'm getting... I know I should wait, but this was really weird.

The top test on both was yesterday and the bottom was today. What the hell? Am I STILL picking up the trigger????